Monthly Archives: July 2019

Why Should You Buy Hair Detox Shampoo To Pass Hair Follicle Test


Passing a hair follicle drug test is challenging to do, especially if you have a small period in which you can do something about it. You will not be able to flush these toxins by consuming anything such as detox drinks and pills, which means that you need to do it externally.

Therefore, the question is how to handle detoxification, and the answer lies in hair test shampoo that will help you along the way. Of course, these shampoos are not the only thing you will need for the process, but it is the most influential supply that you should find.

The main issue lies in the idea that you have to find the appropriate one that will help you along the way. You can do it by following online websites because they are not available in your closest grocery store. Still, you can get the most out of it.

Therefore, we decided to present to you the best detoxification shampoos that you can find on the market so that you can pass this particular drug test.

Since the importance and prominence of hair drug test increased in the last few years, employers started conducting it because it is a much better consideration than blood and urine screenings due to numerous reasons.

In case that you are a frequent drug user, it will be much more challenging to pass the test, and your employer has to know whether you are a regular user or not to assure the safety of the workplace.

It is much easier to cheat urinalysis when compared with hair drug test; mainly because the administrator will take, hair strands directly from your head and you will not be able to trick the sample by taking someone else’s instead.

If you have an upcoming hair drug test due to pre-employment purposes, for promotion or as a random screening, you have to pass if you wish to reach another level of your business prospect. Since the entire life will depend on it, you will not have chances to fail and return revitalized.

We recommend you to purchase home drug kit so that you can test your hair strands at home, as the way of preparation for the real thing especially if you have in mind that your life depends on it. 

It is profoundly simple and convenient to test yourself, and by doing so, you will be able to improve the chances of passing in the long-run. It is vital to learn what is hair follicle and you can do it by clicking here for more information. 

Easiest Ways to Pass a Hair Drug Test

  • Shave – You probably think that if you are utterly bold that no one can take hair samples, which is a logical assumption. However, hair samples are valid from another part of your body as well. Therefore, if you decide to wax yourself thoroughly, that will cause suspicion among your potential employer. Consequently, it will be highly challenging to explain why you changed the appearance a few days beforehand, which means that they will consider you as someone who wanted to stay away from the test. They will fail you for that, which may cause additional troubles and penalties as well.
  • Abstain For 110 Days – Abstinence is the most efficient way to handle this particular type of screening, but it is almost impossible to get notice four months upfront so that you can thoroughly prepare yourself. Of course, you should have in mind that you will need more than a hundred days to eliminate traces of THC and other metabolites from your hair. The only problem is that most companies and sports organizations will not provide you that long notice, so you have to find alternative ways to detoxify your hair with ease.
  • Hair Detox – We have mentioned above that you can use detox shampoos, which will have the ability to wash away all toxins from your hair in combination with other home remedies, and chemicals that you can find in your closest convenience store. 

How to Detoxify Your Hair

You should find the shampoo that works for your particular requirements and reasons. So you have to make sure to conduct a comprehensive research of other situations and reviews because that way you can understand how to handle everything. 

The most efficient shampoo for this particular requirement is Aloe Rid old formula that will provide you the best results possible. Therefore, as soon as you get the notice for drug screening, you should start using it.

We recommend you to wash your hair at least 15 times before the test, and take four daily showers so that you can improve chances of passing. 

It is vital to place the generous amount of it and wait for half an hour before washing because that is the most efficient way of cleansing your hair follicles.

It is essential to aim for old-style formula because that is the most efficient one when compared with others. 

The market will be filled with new formulas and alternatives, but have in mind that this particular one is the best and even though it is expensive, it is much better to keep your job, than to try to save money on detoxification remedy.

Always make sure that you read twice everything before you decide to purchase because you can find numerous fraud products that will take your money and provide you nothing that will help you.

At the same time, you have to make sure to get an old formula or else it will not work, and that is the fact you have to remember. Check out this guide: to learn how to pass a drug screening with ease. 

Have in mind that detox shampoos will help with two essential things that are vital for detoxification: they will open the hair strand layer, which is known as hair cuticle, and expose your cortex. 

It also features ingredients that will remove toxins that are underneath the cortex layer as well as the head shaft. You can rinse all drug metabolites and traces, which will help you, pass the test with ease.

This particular shampoo is the best thing on the market that will help you handle the detoxification without compromising your job and future.